Building in Public

Hey there! I'm Daniel Morales, an entrepreneur and software developer (and sometimes data scientist) who loves to build in public. In this blog, I share my journey as a maker, my learnings, and my projects.



Update #2

Should I build this product?The product is: Compensix.comContext:1) I authored a book tailored as a lead magnet, addressing topics pertinent to my Ideal Customer Profile (ICP).2) Leveraging this lead magnet, I've engaged nearly 500 individuals, ac...

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Update #1

Hey there, this is my first update here. I have 2 ideas in mind about this blog. 1- Tell my story. It is a 15 years of stories, so there are too much to tell. So I'll put focus just in the important learnings 2- Tell my current stage. I'm currentl...

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