Back-end Engineering Articles

I write and talk about backend stuff like Ruby, Ruby On Rails, Databases, Testing, Architecture / Infrastructure / System Design, Cloud, DevOps, Backgroud Jobs, some JS stuff and more...



Everything in Ruby is an Object

Now we have enough knowledge to continue our talkings about Ruby classes and objects. We have been studying OOP in detail and doing challenges. Let’s talk about other topics related with OOP in Ruby Everything is an object in Ruby As we already k...

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Ruby OOP Challenges

So far we have enough theoretical knowledge to understand Classes and Objects in Ruby. If you have been following previous blog post, here we have the order to study this subject - Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in Ruby- Methods and ...

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Ruby Getters and Setters in Object-oriented Programming

At the end of the last blog post called: Methods and Attributes in Object-oriented programming in Ruby we study about attributes. Let’s recap Attributes (object information) Just as an object has behavior (methods), objects can also have informa...

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Methods and Attributes in Object-oriented programming in Ruby

In the last blog post we introduced the concept of Object-oriented programming in Ruby, we talked about the different programming paradigms and we created our first Class and Objects. Just to recap a bit about the code we wrote in that blog post, ...

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Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in Ruby

After all the content we’ve created so far, it’s time to introduce you to a concept which, at the same time, is the main paradigm of Ruby and other modern programming languages: object-oriented programming. But as always, we have to have a good c...

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How does Ruby File Management Works?

Sometimes we'll need to deal with file management with Ruby. For instance, you receive a .txt file from your Project Manager (PM) and you have to read what’s inside. Other times you have to write something there. Cases like this can happen with di...

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Ruby Data Structures Challenge #2 - For Beginners

Now you have an idea about how to solve the coding challenges (or at least) how they are structured, read and solved. Probably you noticed that it is easy to follow through the steps if you stick to the framework to solve coding challenges. So let...

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Ruby Data Structures Challenge #1 - For Beginners

Now we have a lot of knowledge to put into practice. Even in the last blog post we talked about how to solve coding challenges. That post followed by the large amount of previous ones, you have the basis to solve current and next coding challenges...

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Framework to Solve Coding Challenges with Ruby

Now we have a lot of knowledge to put into practice, so far we’ve seen these articles:about Ruby and Data Structures.  Articles about Ruby - What's Ruby (Programming Language)?- Ruby Data Types: Strings, Numbers and Booleans- Variables and User I...

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Introduction to Logarithms in Data Structures

In the last blog post about Big O Notation we talked about three basic notations like O(1) - Constant Time, O(n) Linear Time and O(n**2) Quadratic Time, to describe the time and space complexity of a given algorithm.  However, at the end of the a...

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Introduction to Big O Notation

Now it’s time to touch this important topic in computer science. But to understand these concepts you’ve to know about Time and Space Complexity and the basics about memory. Once you have that knowledge we’re ready to start Big O NotationIs a mat...

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Relationship Between Memory and Data Structures

So far we've been talking about the introduction to data structures and now we’ll be talking about memory.  But we’ve to answer these questions first: why is memory so important at this point? Isn’t it related to hardware? When we’re programming ...

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Introduction to Ruby Data Structures and Complexity Analysis

Introduction to Ruby Data Structures and Complexity Analysis Now we’re going to enter in a field of computer science that will help you understand even better the things we’ve been learning in the past blog posts: Data Structures and Complexity A...

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Ruby Functions

So far we’ve been seeing the way Ruby works and the type of data we can work with inside Ruby. So, we can say now that we know Ruby in more detail than in the beginning. Now we need to see a tool that can help us organize all of our code and do it...

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Ruby Hashes

So far we’ve seen different data types in Ruby, like Strings, Numbers, Booleans and Arrays. Now it’s the time for the next data type: Hashes.  Arrays A Ruby hash is a data type similar to Arrays, but instead of being zero indexed, we as programme...

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Ruby Strings

Previously in a blog post called Ruby Data Types: Strings, Numbers and Booleans we saw the basics of strings. Now we’re going deeper on this Ruby data type. Strings Strings are the first data type we’ll know inside Ruby. A string is traditionally...

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Ruby Arrays

Previously I wrote a blog post about the basic data types in Ruby: Strings, Numbers and Booleans. Also in the post called Ruby Each Loop we introduced the concept of Ruby Arrays, however not in great detail. This blog post will explain in detail w...

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Ruby Each Loop

In previous post called Ruby Times Loop and While Loop we’ve been talking extensively about Loops and we said that: Loops allows you to: * Go over a list of things & work with each individual element * Repeat something a set number of times *...

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Ruby Times Loop and While Loop

At the very beginning of our career as software developers we tend to think that we can copy and paste code when we want a kind of behavior where we need something to repeat. Let me explain. If we want to repeat the sentence “Hello World!” for 10 ...

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Control Flow and Conditionals in Ruby

This is one of the critical things you have to understand very well to become a good developer. This is an extensive topic so we’ll need to explain a lot of things, but the first and most important one is flow control Flow control Flow control...

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